Top Law Firms In New York 2021

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American Registry

An independent company, not affiliated with or endorsed by "" or its publisher.

Recognized By:
Publication Date: March 2021
Number of Honorees: 94

Businesses Receiving This Recognition

Integreon New York, NY
Cenza Technologies New York, NY
VeeLPO New York, NY
The Mandel Law Firm New York, NY
The Rossi Law Firm New York, NY
Hodgson Russ LLP New York, NY
HoganWillig Attorneys at Law Buffalo, NY
Phillips Lytle LLP Rochester, NY
Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria LLP
The Tarantino Law Firm, LLP Buffalo, NY
Connors, LLP Buffalo, NY
LoTempio P.C. Law Group Buffalo, NY
Hurwitz & Fine, P.C. NY
Mattingly Cavagnaro LLP Buffalo, NY
Harter Secrest & Emery LLP Multiple Locations
The Wolford Law Firm LLP Rochester, NY
Lacy Katzen LLP Rochester, NY
King Law Rochester, NY
Trevett Cristo P.C. NY
The Marasco Law Firm Rochester, NY
Dibble & Miller, P.C. Rochester, NY
Underberg & Kessler LLP New York, NY
Boylan Code LLP New York, NY
LaDuca Law Firm Rochester, NY
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP New York, NY

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